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I actually got on my knees in front of Marco and took his dick into my gaping mouth. He held up for about 45 mere seconds and after that shot a massive nut. I went down on his load, swallowed all the cum and continued tasting his beautiful dick…

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My friend came twice more and then indicated he needed a ass licking. He pulled his cock from my mouth and he leaned off a bit enabling me to stand up. I noticed the attractive dude and could see that he quickly simply shot his man juice and his bitch was attempting to choke down the nut juice. Mr attractive man had been not really heading to allow this pup obtain apart without swallowing all of this load but he had been getting a little resistance. As I viewed I sensed a hand on my left booty cheek. The understand sensed amazing through my lighting nylon shorts and I leaned in to it. I felt a body are available up behind me and another hand slide around my best side and in to my crotch. My new friend arrived up against me complete length and I could sense his legs against mine, his crotch and bare dick against my fanny and his upper body on my back again. He moved his head around and on to my correct make and whispered in to my ear “you give up cunt?” I pushed my fanny in to his crotch and the just thing stopping penetration had been my nylon pants. That answered his query in the global language of gay driving.

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As I watched his reaction I worked his thick cock and balls and lightly worked on his balls. If he became very nervous I eased off and gave him some distance but went right back to work him up when he relaxed a bit. Throughout this escapade he stayed erect and was enjoying the extra attention significantly. I could tell no one experienced done this for him before and got the chance to take full advantage to demonstrate to him what genuine oral service means.